Dr. Jeffrey Neill, Ed.D.

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April 2023 Third Thursday Recap

20 April 2023

The latest Third Thursday meeting of high school college counselors from across the globe was a fascinating discussion on the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in college counseling. Attendees shared their experiences and concerns regarding the use of AI in the college application process and how it might affect students' future prospects. The meeting was informative and thought-provoking, highlighting the need to adapt to new technological advancements while also being mindful of their implications.

One of the key topics of discussion was advising students on using ChatGPT as part of their college essays. While AI cannot be personal, it can help with outlining and structuring essays and encourage students to think about their work. Attendees shared their thoughts on how best to incorporate AI into college counseling, stressing the importance of guiding students while also allowing them to take charge of their writing. Many agreed that the future of college counseling lies in striking a balance between the human touch and AI integration.

Another key point of discussion was the unintended consequences of AI in the college application process. Attendees raised concerns about the potential loss of depth and character in the application process if everything is automated. They discussed how universities might learn to value high school resumes and focus on what makes students unique when AI takes over. Additionally, they explored the possibility of AI being the solution to the challenges that AI itself presents. For example, the use of AI-monitored tests to evaluate interviews.

The meeting also touched upon the importance of preparing students for the future by teaching them skills that are not necessarily part of college counseling. Attendees agreed that it is crucial to ensure that students are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in a world that is increasingly reliant on technology. They shared ideas on how to do this, such as conducting workshops and providing resources that can help students develop essential skills.

One attendee shared a video presented to sophomores as they began their internship search, exploring the impact of AI on different job sectors. The video highlighted the need for students to be aware of how AI is changing the job market and to be prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. The attendees discussed the importance of such initiatives and agreed that it is essential to educate students on the impact of AI on their future prospects.

The meeting also touched upon practical aspects of college counseling, such as onboarding a new counselor and finding time to meet with juniors within the International Baccalaureate program schedule. Attendees shared their experiences and ideas on how best to onboard a new counselor and ensure that they have the necessary resources and support to succeed. They also discussed different approaches to scheduling and prioritizing sessions with juniors, such as offering critical sessions multiple times and using flexible scheduling options.

In conclusion, the Third Thursday meeting provided an excellent platform for college counselors to discuss the role of AI in college counseling and its potential impact on the future of education. Attendees shared their experiences, concerns, and ideas on how to integrate AI into college counseling while also ensuring that students develop essential skills and remain competitive in a rapidly changing world. The discussion highlighted the need for a balanced approach that incorporates both human touch and AI integration, with the focus on preparing students for the future. The meeting served as a valuable forum for learning, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing and highlighted the importance of attending such events to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest trends in education.