Dr. Jeffrey Neill, Ed.D.

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The Debate over AI: A Turning Point for College Counselors

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially generative AI such as ChatGPT, in recent months has sparked a debate among high school college counselors and students about its role in the college application process. While some view AI as a powerful tool that can help students create compelling applications, others worry that it might undermine the core values of growth and self-awareness that define college counseling.

One college counselor, who prefers to remain anonymous, shares their positive experience with AI: "I've seen students use AI to brainstorm ideas and structure their essays more effectively. It can be a helpful tool when used responsibly, allowing them to focus on the genuine self-reflection that makes their application stand out."

One potential benefit of AI is that it can assist students in the application process by providing ideation, outlining, and creative suggestions for organization and structure. In this way, AI can serve as a valuable tool for brainstorming and organizing thoughts, while students remain responsible for crafting their personal narratives and engaging in genuine self-reflection. Their own, unique stories are still essential, but how they present them can be improved. This approach allows students to benefit from AI's strengths while still preserving the authenticity of their college application essays.

However, there are concerns that AI-generated essays may lack genuine insight and reflection, leading to colleges admitting students who haven't truly engaged in the process of self-discovery and growth that is so crucial to a successful college application experience. Critics argue that by relying on AI tools, students may bypass the human aspect of counseling, which is essential for their personal growth and development. Disingenuous essays, false narratives, and the like are, according to this perspective, the inevitable byproduct of AI.

An experienced college counselor shares their concerns: "I've encountered a few AI-generated essays that sounded polished but lacked the student's unique voice and perspective. It's important for students to understand that AI should be a tool to assist them, not a substitute for genuine reflection and effort."

To ensure that AI technology is harnessed for good, students must be guided in making ethical and appropriate use of AI tools. High school college counselors can teach students how to use AI responsibly by implementing specific tasks, such as:

  1. Encouraging students to use AI for brainstorming essay topics and organizing thoughts, but emphasizing the need for them to develop their own narratives based on personal experiences and reflections.

  2. Teaching students how to evaluate AI-generated suggestions critically, helping them to discern which suggestions are valuable and which may not be applicable to their unique circumstances.

  3. Organizing workshops or group discussions to explore the ethical implications of using AI in the college application process, fostering a sense of responsibility and awareness among students.

  4. Training students in effective AI prompting techniques, ensuring that they understand how to ask the right questions and frame their queries to obtain meaningful and relevant assistance from AI tools.

As an ancillary benefit, the responsible use of AI by students can also help college counselors by streamlining certain aspects of the application process. By integrating AI tools into their workflow, counselors can more efficiently analyze student data, identify patterns or trends, and better understand each student's unique strengths and weaknesses. It is argued that AI can, when manipulated properly, effectively produce quality drafts of counselor letters of reference. All of this allows them to spend more time offering personalized guidance and focusing more on nurturing students' growth and self-awareness.

A veteran counselor weighs in: "When students use AI responsibly, it allows us to focus on the more nuanced aspects of their applications and offer personalized guidance. But it's crucial that we continue to emphasize the importance of self-reflection and personal growth throughout the process."

In conclusion, the debate on AI's role in college applications presents both challenges and opportunities for students and high school college counselors. By staying informed about AI advancements and encouraging responsible use, students can make the most of AI technology without compromising the core values and human connections that are essential to a successful and fulfilling college experience. This balanced approach will enable students to harness the power of AI while ensuring that personal growth and self-awareness remain at the forefront of the college application process. As with many disruptive technologies throughout human history, AI brings both promise and potential pitfalls, and it is our responsibility to learn how to absorb its power for good.

Just as previous generations have navigated the introduction of new technologies, such as the printing press, the telephone, and the internet, we, too, must adapt and find ways to utilize AI in a manner that aligns with our core values. By teaching students how to use AI ethically and effectively, we can ensure that it serves as a tool to enhance personal growth and self-awareness, rather than replacing or diminishing these crucial aspects of the college application process.

Ultimately, the future of AI in college applications lies in our ability to strike a balance between embracing its potential benefits and preserving the essential human element that drives personal growth and self-discovery. By staying informed, adapting our approaches, and fostering responsible use of AI, we can guide students towards a successful and fulfilling college experience that leverages the best of both technology and human connection.