CGN: "Writing Letters of Recommendation with AI"

This past week, on Wednesday, May 24, I had the pleasure of delivering a Facebook Live exhibition for the College Guidance Network on some tools to use ChatGPT to assist in the writing of college counselor letters of recommendation. In all, it was a lively conversation with a lot of conversation stemming from it.

You can see the link to the recording and to the shared resources below:

Presentation: Teacher Letters of Recommendation


A couple weeks back, I had the opportunity to work with the faculty at my school on teacher letters of recommendation during a professional development day. To be clear, the letters these teachers write are simply fantastic, and so there was not a huge need to educate. Instead, this was an opportunity for teachers to brush up on their letter-writing and maybe pick up a new trick or two. As such, we put together this quick and easy slide deck on writing letters, a basic primer. After about a 10 minute presentation and 5 minutes of Q&A, we got the teachers writing, and almost all of them finished a letter in our hour together. Hopefully there’s something worthwhile for you to pick up here, too!