
Presentation: Teacher Letters of Recommendation


A couple weeks back, I had the opportunity to work with the faculty at my school on teacher letters of recommendation during a professional development day. To be clear, the letters these teachers write are simply fantastic, and so there was not a huge need to educate. Instead, this was an opportunity for teachers to brush up on their letter-writing and maybe pick up a new trick or two. As such, we put together this quick and easy slide deck on writing letters, a basic primer. After about a 10 minute presentation and 5 minutes of Q&A, we got the teachers writing, and almost all of them finished a letter in our hour together. Hopefully there’s something worthwhile for you to pick up here, too!

Presentation: Student Wellbeing for the Application Season


Last week, several university colleagues and I had the distinct honor of having been asked to present to a consortium of 5 schools in Mongolia as part of their college application “kick off” event. My presentation was entitled “Student Wellbeing for the Application Season - Timelines & To Do Lists along with staying sane.” For the presentation, I pulled together a host of different tips, tricks, and hacks that have worked for me as a counselor and that have worked for my students. Here is the PDF of the slide deck! Hopefully you might find something worthwhile to borrow!


IACAC 2019 SARI Presentation: Using Data in College Counseling

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This weekend I had the honor of presenting at the second International ACAC Subsaharan African Regional Institute at the African Leadership Academy in Johannesburg, South Africa. The topic of the presentation was “Using Data in College Counseling,” a zoom-in, zoom-out look at ways counselors might look to incorporate more data into their practice. Thanks to Wendy Beato, my co-presenter, and thanks to those in attendance!

Please see the slide deck here!